
This is my virtual resume. Please take a look around, all my writing samples are neatly sorted and stored here for easy access.

I am a recent college graduate seeking to establish a career in communications. I have experience in journalism, public relations, photography, social media, SEO, customer service and administrative functions.

Day 25

There Must be Something in the Water

We feel we have the right to be safe,

to be protected,

to live without threat-

but we don’t.

Because we are our own threat.

The people you know,

the people you don’t know,

unless there is a psychological solution

there will be no end.

Die Zeit Ist Weg (Die Zit Ice Wag)

Couldn’t find a foreign poem I liked, so I wrote one in German and then translated it by reading it back to myself in English.

Es hat kein zweck——————–Is hat can wreck

Die zeit ist weg———————–Die zit ice wag

Sie ist geflogen———————-Sigh ice flogging

Als ob gezogen——————Also up gee soaking

Mit einem strick.———————-Mit M&M stick.

Day 10

Wait a Minute

Of course I dressed up just for you,

squeezed my toe into this shoe,

put on make-up, did my hair,

(I wouldn’t wanna give you a scare)

You see, my dear, I live for you,

Almost like I live for shoes-

or chocolate…

Don’t take offense

It just makes sense

We just met, it’s too intense.